Monday, December 3, 2012

dec. 3rd 2012

Someone's life that was ruined by social media in my eyes was chirs brown. It may not seem t=like it now but at the time is was a lot of back and fourth with him. The rumor got out that Breezy had punched Rihanna in the face numurous  of times. That the whole thing started because another girl was suppously texting him while they were in the car with each other. I think they both got pressured by the media being all in their faes about their relationship togetehr. Yes! Everyone knew Chris Brown and Rihanna were the cute young couple but being under all that pressure and pressure about recording and etc, That could really bring a person down. But it took aa while for all the rumors to stop and the report to get out the media. Everytime one of them was out on the town camreas where ready to try to make something out of what they were doing now. Now a few years after it had happen rumor says that they are going to try being together again. After rihanna being on Oprah's new show and telling her she still has feelings for brown. Since then they have recorded a song together. It's very possible they will end up back together.

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