Friday, January 11, 2013


Violence in schools is a big issue with the shooting that happened in Connecticut basically helped open everyone’s eyes around the world on how dangerous school can really be. I’m pretty sure a lot of little kids got cell phones for Christmas because their parents can’t rely on the schools to let them know things. We all know everyone in the building that day didn’t know that was going to happen that day. But what we have to think about what if that was one of our kids, their friends being killed right in front of them, or seeing their teacher risk their life for them and hide in a closet for their life. I am not for the violence in the schools.

 I don’t know what I would’ve done if that happened to my little brother sister or cousin. Parents are scared to even send them to school and worrying about how this is going to effect them in their life in the future. Now you pass an elementary school and see a cop car seating outside the school. No one would’ve thought something terrible would have to take place to open everyone’s eyes about the safety in schools elementary, middle, and high school. I feel that security should be out in all schools to know who is coming in and out of all schools. Now a day anyone can walk in the school and no one wouldn’t even notice.

 It brings tears to my eyes just know that someone could come in a building filled to children and take innocent life’s just because. 20 children didn’t get wake up on Christmas morning, 20 children will never get to graduate, 20 children won’t get their first kiss, 20 children wont be able to start their own family, etc.  In my eyes it’s not fair that 20 families had to suffer because of someone’s else’s stupide taking maybe their only child. Some twins even lost the other half of them, I think about what are they going to do now the person they’ve been with all of their life just taken from them.

The violence in schools are through the roof it doesn’t make sense for this much violence to be going on. From kids bulling kids, threating them one another and feeling like they have to bully someone to make them feel better. I know for a fact I will live everyday like it’s my last because you never know when it’s your turn.    “A lifetime isn't forever, so take the first chance, don't wait for the second one! Because sometimes, there aren't second chances! And if it turns out to be a mistake? So what! This is life! A whole bunch of mistakes! But if you never get a second chance at something you didn't take a first chance at? That's true failure.”
C. JoyBell C.

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